Monday, February 18, 2008

Thing 4 Photosharing with Flickr

Well, since the directions on part A of Thing 4 says to go exploring in Flickr and post a photo on your blog, I started a search. I decided to look for pictures using tags of my favorite things, coffee and books. I found one that was perfect. It was a pile of books, some of which I had even read, and a Life is Good coffee mug on top. By looking at the comments, I noticed that it had won an award, also. I thought that it would be nice to post on my blog, but it is copyrighted. So, I had to go looking for other pictures. There are some that have limited use that you can post as long as you follow certain guidelines. What might have been a somewhat simple project has now become complicated. So, I am choosing not to post someone else's work on my blog, even if I do credit the photographer. However, if you would like to see the picture you may click here. Then you can see it on flickr and you can find out more about the photographer.
Here ends my part A of Thing 4. I hope to move on to part B so that I can actually post my own photos from flickr on my blog. But that is for another day.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

I agree that copyright is an important issue that frequently gets overlooked.

I'm thankful that so many people (and even the Library of Congress) share pictures on Flickr. Today an instructor asked a question about the original Supreme Court courtroom in the Capitol, and I went to Flickr to show him photos various people had posted. We just looked, so copyright wasn't an issue.

I did notice that a picture from the LOC did specify that there were no known copyright restrictions.