Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing 1 Setting up my blog

Finally, here I am. Okay, creating the blog was really very easy. The avatar wasn't so bad, either. The problem I had was with Yahoo! I did not previously have an account with Yahoo! When I went to create an account, it took me through everything just fine until the end. Every time I tried to submit the information to get an account it would bring up the "this page cannot be displayed" message. I lost many fun user names, of course, since the next time I tried it said that the name was not available. Today, however, I met with success. I have a blog with an avatar that looks just like me. ;^)

1 comment:

Chandra said...

I'm glad that you finally met with success. I think January was the month for IT-related glitches. Maybe February will be better.