Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thing 21. Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

OK. More social networks. Of the three, I thought Gather sounded good because it mentions National Public Radio. I love NPR. When I looked at it, though, it didn't really impress me. I have been on WebJunction. I don't really think of that as a social network. For me it is a learning tool. I have taken a self paced online course on WebJunction. It doesn't feel to me like the kind of place where I would go to network or socialize with people. I like the sound of Ning. I did get on it and did join the 23 Things group. To be honest, I may never get on again when I am done with this. I am on overload. I have so many new sign ons and passwords, I may never be able to remember them if I do want to return to some of the sites. But, hey, I feel like I earned my badge. So here it is:

Visit 23 Things on a Stick

I don't belong to any social networks. I am not sure that it is something that I want to do. I may go back and explore Ning some more and see if there is something that would be suitable for me. If I do, however, I don't really know how much I will sign into it.

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